Shekhar Saud

Chapter -1

Concept of STEAM



STEAM helps to foster a love of learning.

What is STEAM?

STEAM is an educational program developed for pre-primary and secondary students by college, graduate students to enhance study and careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics.

How does STEAM approach help us in our learning?

STEAM   approach help us to built hands-on activities that integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) concepts.

These activities can include building structures from locally available materials around us such as paper or straws. Activities include:

          • Creating music from everyday objects like water bottles;
          • Experimenting with different materials;
          • Designing and testing solutions for real world problems;
          • Creating stories through drawing or other means of art.
STEAM is curriculum, centered on education in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (STEAM).

The STEAM acronym was introduced in 2001 by scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation(NSF).

It embraces the 4 C's identified as key in 21st Century education:

Four C’s of STEAM
Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Communication.

1.   Creativity & Constructive
To use imagination to brainwave new idea

2.   Collaboration& Controlling
To explore more task to bring out solution

3.   Critical Thinking, resonating & reflecting
To construct amazing stuff which is  known by anyone

4.  Communication & Coordinating
Give & receive information


Through group to learn more things

The world is constantly changing, and to keep up with the changes, we need to learn new things and develop new skills.

The STEAM concept is one such framework that encourages students to learn and develop in several fields, including

                1. Physics,
                2. Chemistry,
                3. Biology,
                4. Aerospace,
                5. Maths,
                6. Design,
                7. Computer & Programming,
                8. Electronics & Robotics,
                9. Mechanical,
                10. Building & Construction,
                11. Engineering & Technology and
                12. Production, Processing & Selling.

Inside STEAM, we will cover the interrelatedness of these fields and the activities that students can undertake to enhance their STEAM skills

Understing the meaning of STEAM once again!

Science and Technology

Science and technology are interdependent. Science is used to understand the laws of the universe, and technology is used to apply that knowledge to create new and useful tools.

For example, scientists discovered the principles of electricity, which led to the creation of the light bulb, thus revolutionizing the way we live and work.

Engineering and Technology

Engineering and technology are also interdependent. Engineers use technology to design and create new innovations toimprove our lives.

For example, engineers used technology to develop the first airplanes, which revolutionized travel and transportation.

Art and Science

Art and science are also interdependent. Artists use science to create new forms of expression.

For example, a cartoonist may use the principles of science to create accurate portrayals of animals, plants, and other objects.

Art and Engineering

Art and engineering are also interdependent. Engineers may rely on artists to create prototypes or designs that are visually appealing.

For example, a car manufacturer may rely on an artist to create a visually pleasing design for a new car model.


Mathematics is the component that brings all the STEAM fields together. Mathematics ensures that all the different components are working together accurately to achieve a common goal.

For example, a construction manager may work with engineers, architects, and artists to build a new structure.


Most importantly, by incorporating inquiry based principles and an highly adaptable framework to suit students of various needs, STEAM helps to foster a love of learning.


Further, technology is also being used to equip people who need a certain type of assistance to improve their quality of life .it help people avail opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible.


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that incorporates subjects from these five areas.


Science is all about understanding the natural world and how things work. It involves observing, questioning, and experimenting to find answers to our questions. For example, we can learn about different animals and plants by observing them and studying their features.

Technology is all about creating tools and machines that make our lives easier. We use technology every day, from our phones to our computers. In class, we can learn about coding and how to use technology to solve problems.

Engineering is all about designing and building new things. Engineers use science and technology to create solutions to real-world problems. For example, we can learn about how to build a bridge or a simple machine.

Arts are about creativity and expressing ourselves. The expression of ideas and emotions through a physical medium like drawing, making devices via using motor , & how they can also be used to help solve problems.

Mathematics means verification of our solutions.


Incorporating all of these disciplines into education helps students to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and innovation.

It also prepares them for a wide range of careers in fields such as medicine, engineering, business, and technology.

The STEAM concept is an excellent approach to preparing students for real-world challenges. By exploring the various components of STEAM, students can develop a broad range of knowledge and skills that will be useful in their future careers. They can also appreciate the different disciplines that make up the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and Mathematics and how each area contributes to the society we live in.


Some skillful character tools which steam create in us

1. Critical thinking: the ability to analyze and evaluate information objectively. For example, a student may critically evaluate multiple sources before forming an opinion on a controversial topic.

2. Problem-solving: the capability to identify and solve complex problems. For instance, a student may use logical reasoning and creativity to develop a solution for a real-world issue.

3. Communication: the skill to effectively convey ideas and information. For example, a student may deliver a persuasive presentation or write a clear and concise essay.

4. Collaboration: the ability to work effectively in a team. For instance, a student may contribute their unique skills and ideas while collaborating on a group project.

5. Creativity & imagination: the capability to think outside the box and generate original ideas. For example, a student may come up with innovative solutions for a design challenge.

6. Adaptability: the skill to adjust and thrive in diverse situations. For instance, a student may quickly adapt to changes in project requirements or new technologies.

7. Initiative: the ability to take the lead and be proactive. For example, a student may initiate a community service project or propose a new club at school.

8. Resilience: the capability to bounce back from setbacks and overcome challenges. For instance, a student may persistently study and practice to improve their performance in a challenging subject.





Wind Vane:

Required Materials:

- Foam board , - Cardboard ,- Straw , - Pins , - Anemometer ,- Compass

Learning Objectives:

- Understanding wind direction, - Basic aerodynamics, - Materials science. - Following instructions

How to perform:

- Cut the foam board into an arrow shape and attach it to the cardboard base using pins

- Attach the straw to the back of the arrow using pins

- Connect an anemometer to the top of the straw

- Use a compass to ensure the arrow points north

- Take the wind vane outside and watch it move in the direction of the wind


Build a Simple Robot:

Required Materials:

- 2 DC motors , - Wheels ,- A breadboard , - Jumper cables ,- Battery and holder ,- On/off switch ,- Screws ,- Plastic body

Learning Objectives:

- Understanding simple circuits

- Basic robotics principles

- Mechanical engineering

- Following instructions

How to perform:

- Connect the DC motors to the breadboard using jumper cables

- Attach wheels to the DC motors

- Connect the breadboard circuit to a battery holder, switch, and battery

- Mount the breadboard on the plastic body

- Screw the DC motors onto the plastic body

- Turn the switch on to make the robot move


Make a Circuit Board:

Required Materials:

- Copper clad board ,- Etchant (such as ferric chloride) ,- Permanent marker ,- Paper ,- Laser printer ,- Iron

Learning Objectives:

- Understanding circuit design

- Basic electronics

- Chemical reactions

- Following instructions

How to perform:

- Create a design for the circuit board using paper and a permanent marker

- Print the design onto a special paper using a laser printer

- Transfer the design onto the copper clad board using an iron

- Submerge the board in the etchant to remove the copper not protected by the design

- Rinse the board with water to remove the etchant

- Drill holes in the board as needed


Make a Rainbow Jar:

Required Materials:

- A clear jar , Corn syrup or honey , Dish soap

, Rubbing alcohol , Water , Food coloring

Learning Objectives:

- Density

- Surface tension

- Color mixing

- Following instructions

How to perform:

- Create a mixture of corn syrup (or honey), dish soap, and water and pour into the jar

- Add a layer of rubbing alcohol

- Use food coloring to add a layer of different colors

- Repeat these layers until the jar is full

- Use a toothpick to mix the layers and create a rainbow effect


Mind Mapping:

Required Materials:

- Paper , Pencils , Colored pens

Learning Objectives:

- Brainstorming and idea generation

- Organization and categorization

- Visual thinking

- Following instructions

How to perform:

- Write down a main idea in the center of the paper

- Use colored pens to draw branches of related ideas

- Add detail and sub-branches to each idea

- Create connections between ideas and use different colors to represent different categories


Link up the Longest Paper Chain:

Required Materials:

- Colored paper ,  Scissors , Glue or tape

Learning Objectives:

- Measurement and estimation

- Patience and perseverance

- Following instructions

- Hand-eye coordination

How to perform:

- Cut the paper into strips of equal size

- Link the strips together by overlapping and gluing or taping

- Continue adding links until the chain is as long as possible


Build a Rube Goldberg Machine:

Required Materials:

- Household items (such as dominoes, marbles, ramps, and toy cars)

- Building materials (such as cardboard and wood)

- Glue or tape

- Household tools (such as scissors and pliers)

Learning Objectives:

- Physics principles (such as force, momentum, and gravity)

- Mechanical engineering

- Problem solving

- Following instructions

How to perform:

- Brainstorm a creative machine design that uses a series of steps to accomplish a task

- Gather household items and building materials

- Build each step of the machine and link them together

- Test the machine to ensure each step works as planned


Simple Generator:

Required Materials:

- Copper wire , Magnets ,  Nail or screw , plywood or cardboard , LED bulb,Alligator clips , Hobby knife

Learning Objectives:

- Understanding electromagnetism

- Energy conversion

- Following instructions

- Fine motor skills

How to perform:

- Wind copper wire around a nail or screw

- Attach magnets to the ends of the nail or screw

- Cut a piece of cardboard or plywood to serve as the base

- Connect the wire to an LED bulb using alligator clips

- Move the magnets back and forth to generate electricity and light up the bulb


Solar Rover:

Required Materials:

- Solar panel , DC motor , Wheels ,Battery and battery clip , jumper cables , Plastic body , Screws , on / off switch

Learning Objectives:

- Understanding solar power

- Basic electronics

- Mechanical engineering

- Following instructions

How to perform:

- Attach the solar panel to the plastic body using screws

- Connect the DC motor to the solar panel using jumper cables

- Attach wheels to the DC motor

- Connect the breadboard circuit to a battery holder, switch, and battery

- Mount the breadboard on the plastic body

- Screw the DC motors onto the plastic body

- Turn the switch on to make the robot move when exposed to sunlight

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